Course Description
Course Overview
The Artificial Intelligence (AI) course provides an in-depth understanding of the fundamental concepts and techniques of AI, enabling students to develop intelligent systems and applications. The course explores various AI methodologies, including machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and knowledge representation. This program offers a thorough exploration of the technical aspects of the subject, allowing students ample opportunities to delve into its intricacies. Students will gain hands-on experience with AI tools and frameworks, allowing them to design and implement intelligent solutions for real-world problems. Through this program, students and enthusiasts of Artificial Intelligence gain the right knowledge and guidance needed to excel in the field.
- Basic programming skills (preferably in Python)
- Familiarity with data structures and algorithms
- Understanding of probability and statistics
- Knowledge of linear algebra and calculus
- Some exposure to computer science concepts and algorithms
The course adopts a blended learning approach, combining lectures, practical exercises, coding assignments, and hands-on labs. The lectures cover the theoretical foundations of AI, while the practical exercises and coding assignments provide opportunities to apply the learned concepts. The labs focus on implementing AI algorithms, working with datasets, and developing AI applications using popular frameworks.
Course Outline
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Historical overview of AI
AI applications and impact on society
Intelligent agents and problem-solving
Search Algorithms
Uninformed search: breadth-first search, depth-first search
Informed search: A* search, heuristic functions
Adversarial search: minimax algorithm, alpha-beta pruning
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Propositional logic and predicate logic
Inference rules and resolution
Semantic networks and frames
Machine Learning Fundamentals
Supervised learning: classification and regression
Unsupervised learning: clustering and dimensionality reduction
Evaluation metrics and model selection
Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Artificial neurons and activation functions
Feedforward neural networks and backpropagation
Convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks
Natural Language Processing
Text preprocessing and feature extraction
Language modeling and text classification
Sequence-to-sequence models and machine translation
Computer Vision
Image processing techniques
Feature extraction and object recognition
Convolutional neural networks for image classification
Reinforcement Learning
Markov decision processes
Value iteration and policy iteration
Q-learning and deep Q-networks
Upon completing the course, students will:
- Understand the fundamental concepts, methodologies, and techniques of AI.
- Be able to design and implement intelligent systems using machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and reinforcement learning.
- Gain proficiency in popular AI frameworks and tools.
- Apply AI algorithms to solve real-world problems and improve decision-making processes.
- Analyze and evaluate the performance of AI models and systems.
The course includes hands-on labs to reinforce theoretical concepts and provide practical experience. The labs may include:
- Implementing search algorithms (e.g., breadth-first search, A* search) for solving navigation problems.
- Building a knowledge-based system using propositional and predicate logic for expert reasoning.
- Developing a machine learning pipeline for a classification task using popular libraries (e.g., sci-kit-learn, TensorFlow).
- Training a convolutional neural network for image classification on a dataset (e.g., CIFAR-10).
- Building a natural language processing application (e.g., sentiment analysis, chatbot) using recurrent neural networks and language modeling.
- Implementing a reinforcement learning agent to play a game or solve a control problem.